Entrepreneur, data scientist, co-founder and CEO

Rana el Kaliouby

A pioneer in artificial emotional intelligence (Emotion AI), Rana el Kaliouby, PhD, is co-founder and CEO of MIT spinoff and category-defining company Affectiva. Rana led the innovation of the company’s award-winning technology, which uses deep learning and massive amounts of data to analyze complex and nuanced emotions and cognitive states from face and voice. She has raised over $50 million in venture and strategic funding for Affectiva.

What's in it for me?

What you'll learn from Rana

  • Dr. el Kaliouby will explore the possibilities of this technology, and reveal eight major ways that Emotion AI will transform the future of work – from productivity companions and human-robot teams, to a complete re-imagination of our transportation experiences and how we connect with one another.

  • Her presentation will show business leaders how new jobs will be created and why they must rethink how employees are trained (and re-trained) for the constantly evolving technology and business landscape, as well as the new kinds of roles that will emerge as Emotion AI increasingly touches our lives.